Section 2 Instrument Design

The data collection instrument consists of a structured questionnaire (survey type) applied face-to-face to all participants. We used CAPI system (Computer-assisted personal interviewing) for the interviewing. Exceptionally, we changed to CATI system (Computer-assisted telephone interviewing) during the 2021 wave due to the COVID-19 contingency (more details in the section 2021 Questionnaire: survey during COVID-19 pandemic.).

The questionnaire design measures a series of conceptually relevant aspects that characterize Chile’s levels of conflict and social cohesion, emphasizing its evolution over time. The main topics of analytical interest addressed by the survey correspond to the modules in which it is structured:

  • Citizenship and Democracy.
  • Social Networks and Intergroup Interactions.
  • Legitimacy and social inequality.
  • Social conflict.
  • Neighborhood.
  • Health and well-being.
  • Socio-demographic characterization.
  • Gender (added to the survey from 2019 onwards).