4.1 Databases Download

After completing the review and validation process, ELSOC databases are made available to the general public. The databases are published and saved in the Harvard Dataverse repository in the COES data folder. This repository allows free and secure access to the databases.

ELSOC is available as cross-sectional databases by wave: waves 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021, in R (.RData), SPSS (.sav), Stata 13 (.dta) and Stata 14 (.dta) data formats.

Since 2019, we have published the databases in a longitudinal form to facilitate their use as a panel survey. We share the longitudinal database 2016-2019 in wide format and the longitudinal database 2016-2021 in wide and long structures. We harmonized the variables that have changed over time to allow their longitudinal use.

As part of a continuous improvement process, we might update published databases during the development of ELSOC, due to correction of potential bugs, improvements in data formatting, updating of non-response codes, etc. Therefore, we publish the latest available version in the Harvard Dataverse repository, as well as all previous versions needed.